Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Life

Here's me on a good day. This was not staged, for those of you who were wondering, and the *results are not typical. One child is usually on my lap while the other kid is running around getting into various 'off-limit' things while I attempt to do my homework. Ahh the joys. So with that said, I am going to get some sleep and hopefully post some more tomorrow. I am in the process of figuring out my computer so posting doesn't take me all night. Ya HOOO!


The Stig and The Pickle said...

Dude - write me back. I guess I should ask, Did you get the email I sent you over facebook? Love your blog. Love the pic of you with the kiddos sleeping. I am thinking about going back for my master's, just got to figure out what to go back for. Love you!

Doug, Monica, Alyssa and Dylan said...

yo yo sara. i'm not sure if i got your email. i'll see if it is there...